Standing in the middle of the kitchen and looking into the living room. The doorway to the left leads into the room that John claimed as his office. (that green glow on the floor is a turtle night-lite)

I still don't have all of the knick-knacks out yet, but you can get the general idea of how the room looks...

Standing just inside of John's office and looking out into the living room and kitchen...

We lost a little space here. Because of the glider we had to move it far enough away from the wall so it wouldn't bump. We did notice Coconut liked to go behind there to sleep, so there's a cat bed behind the glider now.

There is the buffet that we couldn't use in the dining room. Pretty much looks like a sofa table anyway, so I don't think it's too out-of-place. The "books on the bottom turned backwards" is an idea I saw in Country Living magazine. John doesn't know what to make of it, but I like it.
I love the beautiful 9 pane picture window! You just don't see very many of those anymore. The black strips are the storm windows on the outside.

99% of the time, we use the church office entrance, so the front door is partially blocked off by the chair. Visitors can still get through, but they do have to suck in their stomach and twist their upper body to the right while crab-walking past the chair. I don't think anybody minds...

Same thing in the bottom photo: The rocking chair partially blocks off the entrance into J's office, but it's still workable...

99% of the time, we use the church office entrance, so the front door is partially blocked off by the chair. Visitors can still get through, but they do have to suck in their stomach and twist their upper body to the right while crab-walking past the chair. I don't think anybody minds...

Same thing in the bottom photo: The rocking chair partially blocks off the entrance into J's office, but it's still workable...
The ledge was deep enough so that I could just lean those frames on it. We've been here 2 months and they haven't fallen yet...