The adventures of John & Patty: two crazy cats forever in love!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Gingerbread House (backyard view)
This is the view standing at the edge of the backyard. From left to right: our bedroom windows, the bathroom window and then the guestroom. On the very right is the back of the church office. All together, it's a pretty-big yard, just a little over 3 acres. It takes John 3 hours on the riding mower to get it all done. That little white dot underneath the pine tree is Ben laying down. John and I were so happy that he was doing so well with staying in the yard. Then today, he decided to chase an Amish horse and buggy up the road. We had to turn the invisible fence on. He pouted all day and refused to go anywhere near us after we put the collar on him.
If you turn around, this is the view you get: Aren't they beautiful? There are 3 of them, but the father wasn't out today. He looks like the colt, only much bigger. Up to the split-rail fence is church property, but they rent it out to the farmer for grazing land. (John's glad about that-less to mow).
Although still not completely unpacked and organized, we're feeling more and more at home everyday.John and I are always up for visitors--anyone game?
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