Dear Richard Simmons,
I truly applaud the desire you have to help people. Good for you...the world would be a much better place if more of us followed your example.
However, I've noticed that in recent years, your exuberance has manifested itself into something more like maniacal shrieking. I would like to tell you that your point can be made in a normal tone of voice. As a matter-of-fact, people would be more apt to listen if you didn't use that nerve shredding pitch.
Glitter shorts with a matching tank-top do not look good on any man; especially one entering his sixth decade. Please dress more appropriately. Also, you have a balding crown....frizzing your hair out till hell won't have it doesn't disguise the fact.
You are a caricature of yourself; fodder for a good laugh. You, and your ideals, would mean so much more if only you would stop pandering.
Please use the money that Yoplait is paying you for yelling at women in grocery stores and buy yourself some dignity. If there is any change left over, some khakis and a button-down shirt wouldn't hurt.
Thank you,
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