Tuesday, February 10, 2009

25 Things

1. When John attended Bangor Theological Seminary, we lived on the same street as Stephen King. I once stood in line behind him at the Shop n' Save. (He bought a loaf of wheat bread...and his flannel shirt was very wrinkled.)

2. I love waffles, but don't care very much for pancakes.

3. My favorite place for vacation is Nova Scotia.

4. That Chim-Chiminey song from Mary Poppins freaks me out something awful. I have no idea why, but it does.

5. I think my husband hung the moon.

6. If I could travel back in time and spend the day with any historical figure, I would choose Doc Holliday. (Plus, he would probably be playing poker with Wyatt Earp, so I'd get like a 2-for-1 deal.)

7. My favorite candy bar is Zagnut.

8. My biggest pet peeve: people who profess themselves to be "deep". If you go around bragging about how "deep" you are, the probability is astronomically high that you are, in actuality, an idiot.

9. I dislike vegetarians. Not all vegetarians. Only those who believe themselves to be morally superior because they choose not to eat meat. Most vegetarians are pretty cool. The jury is still out on vegans.

10. The last time I was really very angry was when I found out HBO cancelled "Deadwood". Oh!, and forget about the Deadwood Movie that loyal fans were promised. It isn't going to happen; they destroyed all of the sets. Burn in Hell, HBO!!!

11. My favorite meal is pot roast and mashed potatoes.

12. I don't like talking on the phone and I don't own a cellphone.

13. I eat M&M's alphabetically by color.

14. I'm a complete sucker for a sappy 1970's love song.

15. I cut my husband's hair....have done so for 14 years.

16. I want to live in a lighthouse on the East coast.

17. I am more practical than romantic. Instead of flowers for Valentine's Day, I would rather John stock-up the pantry with paper towels or toilet paper.

18. I love haunted houses and haunted places. I also love stories about haunted houses and places.

19. We've never owned our own home; mostly we've lived in church parsonages. I would love to have a home of my own.

20. I drink way too much pop and way too little water.

21. I just got my hair cut very, very short...love it!!

22. I always swallow gum....and I'm still alive to talk about it.

23. I don't think a home is truly a home without a ton of books.

24. I have over 300 tea towels. It's what a lot of the church folks get me for Christmas. I really like tea towels.

25. I love my family...most of them, anyway.

1 comment:

kritterc said...

I have spent the past several minutes reading some of your posts. I love your pictures. Very entertaining blog site. Peace and Blessings.