Every time he catches a glimpse of her, he stops to stare with mouth agape and eyes glazed over.
Flo the Progressive Girl has stolen my husband's heart.

I admit to daydreaming from time-to-time. For a few stolen moments, I am in the Old West, sitting at a poker table between Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday. Our conversation is peppered with not-fit-for-church language and salty double-entendres:
Those are mighty big guns you have there, boys!
After I'm cheated out of all my money, Wyatt buys me an ice cream cone. (Doc has ice cream too, only his is poured into a glass from a bottle labeled "whiskey"). Together we three promenade across rickety wooden sidewalks when suddenly, I am stopped in my tracks by a handsome man with kind blue eyes and a sweet crooked smile.
The new minister is in town.
Misters Holliday and Earp fade back into the past while the padre and I stroll cozily along under a star-lit velvet sky.
The point is this: even in dreams my heart always finds it's way back to my one and only, my only one.
So, yes, I admit I am a little jealous of Progressive Girl. She with the overly bright-red lips and cute, flippy 'do. She with the ability to capture John's attention.
I finally couldn't take it anymore and asked him Why? What do you see in Flo the Progressive Girl?
The minister with kind blue eyes and a sweet crooked smile answered: Because she has a goofy sense of humor. Just like you.
My husband found his way back to me, even in his dreams.
Flo is kinda cute. In a goofy sorta way.
nicee, wicked blog lol!
I have missed your postings...
It has been well over a month,and THANK YOU!
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